Life & Bible Study Groups
The Kingdom of God is People. "By this you shall know you are my disciples, because you have love for one another," This statement is the heart of Christ that is one of the things the Holy Spirit does in the heart of a new believer.
The desire to get together with other believers is a good one. So weekly and mothly Bible Studies are available. Most of them have a meal together and enjoy a brief teaching with time to talk about the lesson and life in general Connect with one and come make new friends.
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“Come to me, all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and gentle and humble at heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

We want to be a place where people are able to find what they were born for. A church ought to be a suitable environment for their unique gifts and calling to be developed and honed. Often, doing simplest tasks, provides the most profound encounter with Jesus.
Tallents never used can never bring about a blessing ofr anyone. One of the greatest ploys of the enemy is to convince a person that theur strength is meaningless. Even causing them to hide in shame so that they never discover what they are really good at.
That insatiable curiosity and "strong will" has a place. Volunteering can help you find it.
RegisterI.S.O.M. Bible school
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL of MINISTRY We were searching for a ministry training tool for those who wanted to know and do even more.
A missionary friend told us about this video curriculum that was being used around the word in local churches to help people do just that in their local church. It was just what we were looking for. This very inexpensive Bible training school focuses on the things that make us effective and 'well able' as co laboreres in the kingdom. Now we join with believers around the world in training for a better grasp on living out the Bible. The following list is a sample of some of the courses. Want to find out more and how enroll. Contact us.