Current Ministries

International Missions
Preaching the Gospel
From here to the ends of the earth is the responsibility of every church.
There are those who go
and those who send.
We offer both. We a chance to go
to various Mission Fields and a
chance to take part in sending
those who are already there.
There are many valiant hearts
that have answered the call
and trust those who remain
to be faithful in keeping
them out in the field.
We are thankful to be part
of that. Want to read more
about a few of them?
(See our Missionaries)

Marriage Resources
Strong Biblical Marriages
Ever feel like there must be a manual you could read since you said, "I do"? Loving marriages are essential, greating one is done on purpose.
Being part of a marriage centered on God is a how it's done. What if you started on the wrong thing. God is well aware. And ready to help you get on track. Most marriages are made of a "good guy & a good girl who are working a bad system" -Pastor Mike Mille'. With that said, C.O.T.P. has helpful resources that will direct you to trading in your broken, painful system for God's perfect system.

Core Ministries
Making it Happen
Having a place to worship takes people who care about making that happen.
They are the Core Ministry Team. A variety of skills are put to good use to prepare to recieve the body of Christ in Corporate worship each week. The satisfaction that in some way you helped a person end an agonizing battle, rescue a troubled marriage, turned the heart desperate soul back to Jesus. There just isn't anything like having that kind of passion.

Community Outreaches
Community Matters
Being a voice of reason in changing & troubling times is what the church should be. A comfort in crisis, a blessing in celebration of lifes passages, a beacon of truth and assurance. The Bible provides all these and more. Biblical anchoring is invaluable.
Prayer Ministry
Jesus said My house shall be a house of prayer. Prayer is simply open communication with God.
Its somehting every Chrisitan should do. A continual open conversation with the Lord is crucial to a vibrant Christian walk.